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Poncet's disease, also known as Poncet's syndrome, is a rare immunological disorder characterized by the development of non-tuberculous arthritis or arthralgia in patients with tuberculosis infection. It is considered an immune-mediated reaction rather than a direct manifestation of the tuberculosis infection itself.Symptoms of Poncet's disease often include joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, typically affecting multiple joints. The joints most commonly affected are the large joints such as the knees, ankles, wrists, and elbows. The symptoms can mimic those of rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases.The exact cause of Poncet's disease is not well understood, but it is believed to be an autoimmune response triggered by the body's immune system reacting to the tuberculosis infection. It is important to note that Poncet's disease is not caused by the tuberculosis bacteria directly affecting the joints.Diagnosis of Poncet's disease involves ruling out other causes of joint pain and inflammation, such as infection or autoimmune diseases. Tests such as blood tests, joint fluid analysis, and imaging studies may be performed to help diagnose the condition.Treatment for Poncet's disease focuses on treating the underlying tuberculosis infection. This usually involves a combination of antibiotics to target the specific strain of tuberculosis. In addition, anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to help manage the joint pain and inflammation. Physical therapy and supportive measures, such as rest and joint protection, may also be recommended.Prognosis for Poncet's disease is generally good with appropriate treatment of the tuberculosis infection. Once the infection is successfully treated, the joint symptoms typically improve or resolve completely. However, early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent any permanent damage to the joints.